Monday, June 23, 2008

Kid's Gotta Be a Kid

"Set down your Nintendo joysticks right now! Unplug the television and make way for an old vision, Which will now be a new vision. Yes, Headliner, lay the foundation, dig your hands in the dirt, that's right children play with earth. That's right" Arrested Development from "Children Play With Earth"

The nurse laughed like a child on Christmas morning as she entered my room to sedate me into a coma-like existence. Normally I would see her giddiness as a sign of relieved sexual tension, but in this case I could somehow sense that it had nothing to do with her loins. No this joy was brought on by sheer child like glee. She had been playing. The fact that she looked so happy brought to mind an idea of mine, time to share it with the world.

Kid Week. This could be something amazing. But for it to be, I need your help spreading the word. It kicks off on Saturday March 14th, 2009 and ends on Friday March 20th, 2009. The whole point is to reconnect with the child that you gave up on, that being you.

For one week you should play everyday. Play hide and seek, play tag, use your imagination, but for the sake of your own sanity, play. A board game, a video game, chess, cribbage, whatever it is that makes you happy do it. Make a new friend. When's the last time any of us made a new friend? We meet people at the office or through the PTA but how many friends do you really have? Friends you call just to shoot the breeze or talk about a movie? During Kid Week you can play with anyone you want, so make it someone new.

Yes, we all have responsibilities that make this a difficult task. That's sad isn't it? Playing should be something to look forward to. Remembering being a kid, not being able to play was hell. Now look at yourself. Are you still so excited about having fun that you can't sleep in anticipation? What I don't want you to think about during Kid Week is the tedium of your day to day life. I want you to concentrate on what happens after work. What's it gonna be that you won't be able to wait to do?

For my part, I'm gonna design some banners to promote the event. It doesn't cost anything to participate, just a willingness to be childish and silly. And I'm gonna have a prom. That's right. Now, I'm thinking Vegas, but I'm not totally committed to the it. But I will find us a place to dance, to mingle, to drink, and to have one hell of a night of memories. The perfect end to Kid Week and the end of the Asylum Blog Project.

Details will be forthcoming. Plans need to be made, a committee needs to be formed. All in good time. If you would like to be involved in the planning efforts, let me know, via mail.

What other things can we encourage people to do during Kid Week? Will you fly the banners and promote the week? Do you think this is ridiculous?

Dixie Cup of Love: Celibetty for inspiring me to come up with Kid Week.

1 comment:

Axe Victim said...

Why no pictures? All text is interesting. But why?