Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Trapazoid of Lies

"And then, you meet me. And you whole world changes, because everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear. So you drop all your defenses and you drop all your fears, and you trust me completely. I'm perfect in every way" Henry Rollins from "Liar"

The nurse and I have a strange relationship to say the very least. What else can you say about a man and his imaginary drug dealer? It's comical to say the least. But when I talk to her, it's like I'm talking to myself, does that make sense? Of course it doesn't, who am I kidding. I know she isn't real, but it doesn't hurt anyone that she exists in my head, does it?

I love my truth box. I swear it's the greatest thing since Cherry Pop Tarts. The thing I love about it is the fact that I don't know who is saying the things they are saying. Some of them are incredible. Some of them are awful, and it's time that I shared some of my favorites with you, and who I think they are from. This is gonna be a good one, don't touch that dial.

"You are asking questions and seeking answers outside of yourself. The guy you look at in the mirror everyday is the one you need to talk to instead." -- Now I didn't know what to think of this one. It seems that this junior Dr. Phil is trying to fix that which I don't think is broken. If I am asking questions and seeking answers that are inside of me, why the fuck don't I know the answers? See, that makes no sense to me. My issues with the sperm donor and the cards that I chose to play aside, I ask questions because I want to hear what other people think. That's the purpose of the blog, not to fix me, or make me somehow whole, it's to get to know the world outside of me. Who do I think wrote this - Someone that doesn't know me as well as they think they do. There would be too many names to name, so I will just say that I think whoever it is should leave the analysis to Dr. Phil.(odds that it was Dr. Phil 10000000-1)

"I agree with alot of things you write about, and I disagree with alot of things you write about. To each his own, huh? and...I have this compltely weird crush on you...not like a stalker kind of crush....but a if I ever saw you in public would I be able to speak to you kinda of weird, huh?" -- Now this is why I created the Truth Box. It's both insightful and gets the imagination going. When I think about this entry I can think of three people as the possible author, and mined you, I'm asking no one for confirmation or denial. But my choices are Mrs. Nikki Sixx(odds 5-1), Darling Niki(odds 8-1), and Judi Sunshine(odds 100-1).

"i would do you in a box, i would do you in your sox, i would do you in a car, i would do you at a bar, i would do you in the rain, i would do you til there's pain, would you could you in the park? do me do me in the dark. ok i'm done here..." -- A Suess fan. Or someone that knows I am a Suess fan. I can think of many people that I wish this was, but there are only two that I think are responsible - *B*O*B* (wishful odds 2-1)or Marc(o) Porno(more likely odds 4-1, you sick-o). LOL

Last one. "I think you have a talent for writing and I want to read your daily blog for a year. I also think, you have been asking simple questions. You're not challenging your readers. I think you should dig deep everyday. Some of us depend on you for conversation topics and lately you've simply been telling a story and asking a question about the story. Let's kick things up an intellectual level shall we?" -- I got this one during the run of the Minnesota saga. Obviously not a fan of my story telling skills. So, I looked at it a little deeper, as were the instructions. Who would feel that I am not asking the hard questions? Someone that has hard answers. Who would depend on me for conversation topics? Someone that talks about me alot, but then ther ewas the "us" that means they converse with someone on a regular basis that also may be a reader of the Asylum. My thoughts. Mandy(odds 3-1), Penelope(odds 3-1), Queen of Coins (odds 1000-1).

If you don't have a truth box, you should get one.

What do you think of these "Truthes"?

Dixie Cup of Love: Post Secret for doing this Way Better.

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