Monday, May 12, 2008

The Tiki Amulet

"When you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer, Superstition ain't the way" Steve Wonder from "Superstition"

As the nurse fed me my morning dose of jitterbuggery I noticed that there was a small pendant on the end of her necklace. Yeah, I noticed it because of the way it danced in the cleave of her unnatural bosom. Like a tongue with attention deficit disorder darting from one silicone balloon to the other. When I asked her about the pendant, not the boobies, she said it was a good luck charm that she had worn since grade school. I had a hard time imagining the nurse being superstitions, though I had no trouble imagining her in a little school girl outfit.

There are certain things that I do the same way out of habit. I clean my left ear before my right. I start shaving from my left side and work my way across. I put on my left shoe first. These are not superstitions, they are habits, I'm left handed after all. Which is not to say that I don't have idiosyncrasies that baffle the mind.

When I prepare to write my blog I must write it by hand on a yellow legal pad, it can't be longer than two hand written pages, and I never include the song lyric in the hand written text. Why I don't include the lyric text is beyond me, I just don't. Granted I don't always precisely know what I gonna use. Superstition play a part, I didn't plan it that way and yet it seems to work so why change it.

When I push a yellow light, stepping on the gas instead of the brake, I rub the index and middle finger of my right hand across the roof of the car, twice. Why? Don't know. I'm sure it has something to do with Wayne and/or Don but I have no clue why I do it, but I do it without fail.

Before I write a screenplay I fill three or four legal pads with complete randomness about the plot, the characters, certain events that I would like and things I don't want to do. Some would call it being prepared, but these notes are generally things like "Steve eats macaroni and cheese every day." it's never in the script, but I will always know that about Steve, even if I knew his favorite food was Pastrami on rye, the Mac and Cheese is a habit.

Now you all know that I don't believe in voodoo or any of that hocus-pocus, so how is it that I have these silly superstitions? Can't really say. It's one of lifes unanswerable questions like how does Keanu Reeves get to keep making movies or what exactly makes Lindsey Lohan's sister and mother worthy of a television show? As far as unanswerable questions go, I'm sure my case of superstitious behavior is right under Oprah's dietary behavior in the grand scheme of worthless information. But for some strange reason that's something I thought I would share today. There is this nagging stubborn urge I have to be divulgent about what makes me go clickety-clack lately. Probably has something to do with the new job, newness often makes me think of silly things that got me where I am, it's a habit, not a superstition.

Do you have any peculiar habits? Any strange superstitions?

Dixie Cup of Love: The Lucky.

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