Tuesday, August 5, 2008

CSI: Rock Hill

"You tried to tell me it’s his fault because he’s down, And letting loose this Homicide all over the town. I’ll take your number I’ll write it down. What’s your address I’ll write it down. I’ll be in touch so don’t leave town in a big black car" 999 from "Homicide"

Do to the true nature of the this tale the nurse will be back tomorrow.

Yet another day at HellJob yesterday that had me face to face with the grim reality that the world we live in is full of low life scum. As the day started out my partner in crime and I headed out to deliver a TV, then repossess a couch, never a fun thing to do, but if people would pay their bills we wouldn't have to do it. Anyway, the TV delivery goes off without a hitch, day starting out smooth. When we arrive at the couch, the customer who we will call "Penny Lane" wasn't home. However there was a car with the radio still playing parked in her driveway. Odd, but who are we to investigate? We went back to the truck and called her. She said she would be there in a few minutes.

When Penny arrived, she a rotund white woman, had a black fellow we will call "JoJo" in the car with her. As she got out she started talking about how her house had been broken into the night before, and that neighbor is saying that some guy just walked away from their trailer looking suspicious. We didn't care. We just wanted to get the couch so that we could get on with our day. JoJo opened the door and we retrieved our parcel and left. Simple.

About two hours later our boss calls and tells us that the Sheriff's department called and wants to talk to us. Apparently, shortly, and we mean very shortly, after we left Penny Lane's someone got shot. Holy Conspiracy Theory, Batman. As we waited to hear from the cops our minds raced with what might have gone down. If the gunman was in a closet he could have burst out and clipped Kyle and I. And I'm not prepared to get shot over a couch.

So, around 4pm a detective calls and asks us to come back to the scene of the crime. We head over there directly to find the whole place taped off with yellow crime scene tape. The detective walks us over to a shady spot, one where we could get a glimpse of the corpse sitting on the back patio, and we told him exactly what happened. He took the information down and thanked us. As we headed back to the truck Penny Lane comes over and asks what we told the cop. Not that it was any of her business, but the truth as we saw it. Then she asked if we mentioned that JoJo was in the car with her when they arrived. We nodded and she said good. Weird, right?

On the way back to the store Kyle and I got more concerned that we might have left out a key bit of information. Earlier that morning Penny Lane called the store asking when we where going to get to her house. When given a three hour window, and asked if she was going to be home, she stammered and said, she guessed she would. But she wasn't. And why the question about JoJo. Then it dawned on us that the detective said that the guy was probably dead when we got there, which led us to believe she was trying to use us as her alibi.

My neighbor across the street is a sheriff so when I got home I went and talked to him. Within minutes I was on the line with the detective and he agreed that it was kind of fishy.

Don't know what's gonna happen from here, but I'm sure of one thing. I need a new job.

Dixie Cup of Love: My neighbor.

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