Friday, May 9, 2008

Working in a Cold Mind

"Welcome to the workin' week. Oh I know it don't thrill you, I hope it don't kill you. Welcome to the workin' week. You gotta do it till you're through it so you better get to it." Elvis Costello from "Welcome to the Working Week"

When I took my meds the nurse looked at me with a different glint in her eyes. She was sensing that another chapter in my shackled down - doped up life was about to begin. How she knew this, I have no idea. I'm sure that some would call it ESP or female intuition, but it was she, herself, that dispelled the questions. "I heard you got a job in the laundry room. You're gonna be getting out of this room a whole lot more often." Apparently there was a memo going around. No witchcraft, no ESP, no black smoke monster, just a memo.

Yes it's true. Today I start my new job. What does this mean for the Asylum? Well, it means I may not get to blog comments until the evening, so if you're interested in my keen insights to you stellar observations you may have to check back in tomorrow. It also means that I need to kick it up a notch so that I can start writing for a living, giving me more time to be directly involved with you, my (gulp!) fans.

It also means I will be adding some much need coins to my coffer so I can start visiting some of you in person. As you probably figured out by the "Sota Saga" I have always suffered from wanderlust.. I need to get around like Lindsey Lohan testing rehab facilities. Through this blog I've got to know some of you, really know, not in an Internet predator facing Chris Hansen after chatting with a faux fourteen year old for some kiddy loving way. I'm involved in your lives, I speak of you, I think of you, I worry about you, and I want to shake your hands, have a cocktail, and just talk to you. So the job, it's not a bad thing. It will end up helping in the long run.

As will my Truth Box. I installed it so that I could get a gander at what some of you really think. Figuring that anonymity would allow some of you to say what's really on your mind in regards to the Asylum and myself. Here's what I've managed to figure out. A lot of you think I'm holding back, that I'm not challenging myself or you. I never really thought that I was meant to push you into deeper thought, if it happened once in a while that would be outstanding, because I get so much out of reading what you write. However, my main objective, my mission statement, my mantra has always been "We aim to Entertain." That's all I ever wanted to do, write a series that people would enjoy, along the way I'd clue you into some of the things that make me, me. Now I want you to do me a favor. Go to the Truth box, here, and tell me what you would like to read about. Is there a topic that you would like to hear my opinion on? Is there something more you expect from One Man Asylum? What would make you happier? We are nearing two hundred subscribers yet only about a quarter leave comments on a regular basis. I would like to hear from the quiet masses. I would be curious to know why you don't leave comments. And if you or the regular commenters have the fortitude to tell me what you think in the comments section of this blog, I look forward to reading those too.

Dixie Cup of Love: The First 200

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