Monday, March 24, 2008

Fat Bottom Girls

"Are you gonna take me home tonight? Ooh, down beside that red firelight; Are you gonna let it all hang out? Fat bottomed girls, You make the rockin' world go round." Queen from "Fat Bottom Girls

Every once in a while the nurse allows us pill popping sociopaths some time to surf the net like Kelly Slater. With waves of impertinent information washing over me like the North Shore at high tide I came across something that triggered my rage reflex.

What I found was a story, and it wasn't the story itself that had me feeling like Bruce Banner on a gamma ray bender, it was the torrent of comments attached to it.

It seems that a sixteen year old girl from Surrey, England has made it to the finals of the Miss England competition. She is attractive, has a slightly crooked smile as one would stereotype someone from The Isle to have, but that's not the objection that the small minded commentors had with the young lass. What had them up in arms, spewing ugly comment after hideous comment was the fact that she is the first woman to ever make it to the finals who is, I don't even know how to say this without wanting to set all those ignorant tiny brain on fire, she's a size 16.

According to page after page of posts this is the worst thing to happen to beauty pageants since the addition of the Q and A portion. The neophytes couldn't imagine how a woman of substance could be considered beautiful. I'm ashamed for all of them. One of the sexiest woman to grace this physically obsessed planet was Marilyn Monroe. Any objections? Didn't think so. If it was good enough for the Kennedys, it's good enough for the rest of us. Oh yeah, PS, Marilyn Monroe was a size 14.

I would prefer to keep these rantings as homocidally humorous as possible, but my ass is on fire over this display of group hatred. This harmless lovely girl may happen across this website Den of Plastic Worshipping Idiots, and it would be a horrible disservice to all men if she actually believed any of the things she read.

So what about you out there in the Blog World? Does size have anything to do with beauty? Is there any reason to think a bigger woman can't be a sexual object? Are women only supposed to look like the retarded Hilton Girl to be considered beautiful?

You can check out the story, without the comments, here.

Dixie Cup of Love: Chloe Marshall for being beautiful.

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