Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Star Fucking

Hello kiddies,

Well, we're off and running here at One Man Asylum. I can only hope that you enjoy these little interludes as much as I am enjoying their creation. Today I have a very special treat for all you little Lollipops out there. Besides being able to rant and rave like a diarectic with irritable bowel syndrome this also gives me pause to pass on to you that which I find truly funny. And nothing was funnier than Sarah Silverman's video to Jimmy Kimmel. If you haven't seen it, my god you're stilling living in a cave, if you have, you know. It's good to see that some celebs still have a sense of humor. In a time when no Americans won an acting trophy, dumb rich girls are famous for being nothing more than dumb rich girls, and Sean Penn still takes everything way too seriously, this bit of nonsense is refreshing.


And if that weren't enough to make you wet your Depends, Kimmel vollied up a retort on Oscar night that put the win in his column. Having Matt Damon is one thing, but Kimmel rolls out a star studded salute to anal love and Ben Affleck.


Can you dig it? Awesomeness I know. Now, most bloggers would be content to leave you there with a warm feeling and a smile, but not me, kiddies. No sir. I have nothing to do all day but surf the net looking for something a little more, I don't know, uncensored. So, pop on over to the link below and check this shit out.


Three videos for the price of nothing. You can't beat that with a stick. I have more to talk about today, but that's gonna be another blog as I gots to get back to work on the new project.

DIXIE CUP OF LOVE: To all the stars that have a sense of humor and to all the stars that don't, lighten the fuck up, at least you don't shovel shit for a living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I haven't laughed that hard since....well, probably our drunken trivial pursuit night. Thanks.